MU has caught the attention and continues to stand out! Over the years, important distinctions have punctuated its path. As sources of pride and of motivation to keep going, these awards and mentions have highlighted and recognized not only MU’s good works, but also its organizational solidity and its vision.
- Grand Prix du Design (Urban Design category) – 2021
- Order of Montreal (Elizabeth-Ann Doyle) – 2020
- Winner of the 34th Grand Prix du Conseil de arts de Motnréal 2019;
- Tourisme Montréal 2019 Distinciton Awards (Innovation Award – Under 50 employees)
- Andrée-Daigle 2012 Culture Citizen Prize awarded by Les Arts et la ville network;
- Grafika 2012 Prize;
- Young Socially Responsible Business Leader of Quebec at the Arista 2011 Contest hosted by the Young Chamber of Commerce of Montreal;
- Telus 2010 Arts and Culture Innovation Prize;
- Grafika 2008 Prize;
- Social Economic Business of the Year Prize awarded by the 2008 Quebec Entrepreneur Contest;
- Feminine Entrepreneur Prize awarded by the 2008 Quebec Entrepreneur Contest;
- FORCES of the 2007 Feminine Entrepreneur Challenge;
- Favourite of the Jury, The Novae Corporate Citizenship Award 2014 (cat. Community Relations);
- Finalist, Arts-Business of Montreal contest 2013 (cat. Enterprise), with Benjamin Moore;
- Finalist, Gala de reconnaissance environnement et développement durable de Montréal (cat. OBNL), 2014;
- Finalist, Prix de la Relève — Caisse de la Culture du Conseil des arts de Montréal, 2011;
- Finalist, Citizen of Culture 2008, awarded by Les Arts et la ville;
- Finalist, Arts-Business of Montreal contest 2008, with Quartier Latin Development Society.
MU murals are also highlighted in the following publications:
- Guide to Creative Montreal (Ulysse 2013);
- Mural Art, Volume 2: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World from Graffiti to Trompe L’Oeil (Publikat, Athens);
- Mural Art, Vol. 3: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World from Graffiti to Trompe L’Oeil (Publikat, Athens);
- Coup d’oeil du plan d’action 2007-2017 Montréal, métropole culturelle (2011 and 2012 editions).