This work was created by artists Cyndie Belhumeur and MC Marquis, in collaboration with the Fondation pour la langue française and the Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough. This large-scale community mural is part of a project of 3 murals, which will highlight the learning of the French language by newcomers to Quebec. To illustrate this, playful typographic designs have been amalgamated in a colourful and exploded composition, thoughtfully divided into three stages, each corresponding to a mural.
Bonjour, the first one, represents the first words of the taming of a language, words suggested by newcomers as well as some common words of our Quebec vocabulary. Through the arrangement of different words, syllables, sounds, writing, textures and colors in a composition that is intended to be chaotic, the artists wished to represent the disorder or confusion felt during the first moments of learning a new language.