In 2009, Verdun’s urban planning department proposed a beautification plan based on the integration of murals. A dozen sites were scouted and prioritized for the project. In this context, MU created the 2011 piece Le Marais (collaboration between Roadsworth and Phil Allard), the borough’s first joint architect-muralist mural. MU went on to create three more murals in the neighbourhood, all in line with citizens’ initiatives and borough objectives.
In 2020, the partnership produced its fifth mural, this time on the outer walls of Lévis-Sauvé primary school. The mural respects the building’s architectural structure, while revitalizing and beautifying the building and surrounding area. The main goal was to rejuvenate the children’s environment through colour.
Peru Dyer’s work, with its geometric shapes, clean lines and vibrant colours, conjures the simplicity of childhood while enhancing the building’s architecture.