In the summer of 2022, for its 30th anniversary, Pointe-à-Callière is calling on MU to create a floor mural inspired by the themes of water, navigation, the sea and the Vikings. The theme of water is central to the project, both in terms of the location chosen for the mural and in terms of Pointe-à-Callière’s exhibitions and mission.
The artist chosen, Sbuone, therefore represented the aesthetics of medieval-style sea monsters, with the famous Jørmungand, the snake-fish monster from Scandinavian mythology. More than a floor painting, the work becomes a playground for children to project their own Viking fantasy world.
Assistants : Julien Sicre, Julian Palma, Bosny, Julie Legault-Béliveau, Margaux Brière, Nikki Kuentzle, Marie Lemieux.